Over the past 4-5 months we began experimenting with giveaways. We've done 16 of them. Some got a few hundred impressions. Some got over 270,000 impressions.
Yes they're hit or miss, but they've been effective to grow Super Send from $0 to $6k MRR in ~6 months.
In this podcast episode, Andrew from XO Capital delves into the concept of identifying an ideal acquisition profile, which he fondly terms as the...
Hi, I'm Andrew Pierno from XOXO Capital. Today on Fund Stuff Episode 3, we're talking with Verne (https://www.vernehq.com/) about micro private equity, venture studios...
Topic: Rethinking Product Analytics for SAAS and Understanding Customer Needs Andrew introduces the concept of "level 11" experience, an idea that goes beyond the...